Young BL and Friendship

-★-Video of The Month-★-

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Movie Review: Hoot

Hoot Movie - Trailer

Also base on a book.
Roy Eberhardt (Logan Lerman) is a teenager who loves living in the wide open spaces and mountains of Montana. Unfortunately for him, his father's job is forcing him to move once again, this time to a small town in Florida. As the new kid in school, Roy has the usual encounter with the school bully on the bus. While riding on the bus, Roy is also intrigued by a teenage boy who was running like the wind and passed the bus in his bare feet. The next day, Roy gets off the bus and tries to catch him, but loses him at the golf course. Roy eventually meets the boy, known as Mullet Fingers (Cody Linley). Mullet Fingers is a runaway living on an abandoned boat near the golf course and a vacant lot that is about to have a pancake house built on it. All by himself, Mullet Fingers has taken up the cause of protecting the burrow owls that are nesting on the vacant lot. If a pancake house is built on the lot, it will destroy the habitat of the burrow owls. Roy joins forces with Mullet Fingers and his sister Beatrice (Brie Larson) to save the owls. Douglas Young (the-movie-guy)

(Summary taking from, because I suck at summary)

Ahh this my first time write a review which suck at good words. :( But I will try my best.
I remember watching this movie on disney channel back in November 2009 and I re watched again last Friday on Disney XD along with zake and luther episodes ( most be the night of boys best friend)
Any way I love this movie there 2 thing that caught me that want me to watch it: Friendship love and protecting the right to animal that own that lot/place. Which this also good movie for kids as well.

Its really amazing Mullet Fingers is nature boy have no shoe and try to the protect the owls on his own with help with stepsister taking care of him. The he made new friend Roy, which become with friend with them, all try to help the owls.

Roy and Mullet did have some friendship scene when Mullet show him about the nature in a river boat, and how to catch fish(don't worried they put back the fish in the water).

Will give the movie
The story: ★ ★ ★ / 3 out of 5 start.
-Good movie for kids to understand the right of animals owning the place.
The Friendship: ★ ★ 3half / 3half out of 5
- Not much but hey its really good. Love scene when Mullet show him around.

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