Young BL and Friendship

-★-Video of The Month-★-

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tsuritama ~ epi 05

Haru: Hear that Kate? Yuki is no longer being mean to me :D

If there’s any grammar mistakes, I apologized.

Like last week episode Yuki went on date with Haru and then with Natsuki later in episode, now this week episode Yuki decided to have double date with Haru & Natsuki, or I can say trio date, eat out at Chilipot Burger. Yuki decides to buy his own Fishing pole, after all he can't always borrowing Misaki's pole forever. Sadly he's too broke right now, he can't even apply for job at Chilipot Burger without going through panic attack, if he does apply either he won't make through the interview or people will complain about his face, and he'll end up getting fire in one day.

The trio check out some fishing gear at Hemingway since Natsuki suggested Yuki just check them out first before apply for an job. Without hope the fishing gear + pole cost about 1252 us dollar, but hey Misaki did say student can afford it and I checked online some are like under 100 dollar. The only way to make that money is buy doing something they Ayumi's (Captain ) boat, but first they have to asked him. So when Ayumi was interviewing them, Yuki was on break down, lucky they passed thanks to Natsuki's convenient on how bady Yuki needed the money.

Later that evening, Haru brings some news to Coco that Yuki got job on boat that helped him get better at fishing. Then we learn some mysteries thing from Coco that she don't want her brother go too far out in ocean, or Haru will get in big trouble by 'He' out there.

Akira was spying on them, concerning about who He, not just that Akira turned on his tv bringing up the Top secret on the Bermuda Triangle. He'd like go with the trio just for fishing and befriend with trio and yet he convince himself he only doing this because it's his job. lol

On Yuki first day on job, he learn some quite awkward info from Natsuki about Mahi how huge and such, and what I mean awkward I mean this >.>, on less awkward side, he learn about instructing - how to catch first mahi so group school will follow him. Much as Yuki was glad he came, it take turned that he unable to stand due to his fear on the boat, even worse one of customers got mad at him for breaking fishing net while try get hold on Mahi, lucky Ayumi jump in helped Yuki not to worried, he such a bro, he even comment Yuki's panic attack face, calling him Stone fish XD.

Speaking of comments, I find it rude of Natsuki say some harsh comments toward Akira just because he came long and showing his enthused for fishing. Akira - "FISH FISH FISHH", Natsuki -"You're ...surprisingly into this"

By the end of the day, they received their paycheck, Yuki felt upset that he screws up on his first day and not even happy with the money. Ayumi cheer him that it's only his first day.

Next morining they were wait for Yuki at the fishing dock, Natsuki was yet arguing with Akira for saying stuff like Yuki won't come because he's embarrassing himself yesterday which bring Natsuki to say "You don't have any friends, do you?" and guess who came after he said that? Yuki, with fishing net, he was just fixing it with duck tape. Bad idea to fix it in the morning when have lot time at night. Poor Akira feeling guilty about it :\, there there Akira, it's not your fault, you just don't understand friendship that all.

Yuki was now able to make up from yesterday mistake, thanks to Natsuki giving him some depth info on catching mahi, he even got more passionate about fishing and now able to stand on the boat. Double Plus when he got hold of mahi in fishing net, we got to see lovely smile of Yuki slight similar to young prince Natsuki's smile lol.

After long day, Yuki & Haru eat some dinner, Haru commentary how Yuki was able to stand so suddenly on boat. Unlikely Yuki isn't sure, so Haru asks Kate-flowers about it, I assume Haru can communicates through flowers to Kate. Kate said to him, that Yuki were probably to stand because he love fishing.

Next day got even better for Yuki, he now able to catch a mahi this time with a fishing pole, and doesn't stopped there, Ayumi encourage Yuki to yell out "Cast away". By the end the day, Yuki is now more cheerful than every, and Ayumi had already made them man of sea.

My heart got stab when I see Akira feeling disappointed he didn't made an friend or be friend with trio, he even convince himself that don't need an friends - "Tapioca, let's go." "Quack" "No, I'm fine, I don't need friends now." ;___;

During the Summer Yuki's character devolment level up or I can say he changed: as Yuki found his passion in fishing, able to smile, laugh, and yelling his happiness, hack he even shout out good morning to Tamotsu when he & Haru came to get Natsuki.

-----------------------------------Episode 6 Preview

Brown birds?, Akira visiting shrine, to checking history behind goddness and Dragon story and got stone fish face just like Yuki, Coco spying on him, Akira finally got his chance alone with trio on the boat and he's in charge of it? A big splash of wave or water hint against the boat? Oh fuck this getting good.

End Thoughts

Oh boy this episode was flood by Yuki & Natsuki's smile, I don't even know what I was watch lol. Yuki was the most development character through the episode, at first he didn't developed much in first part of episode, but in the sec half he learns fix his mistake, over come his fears & anxiety, laugh, smile and taking interested in fishing all thanks to Natsuki's & Ayumi's encouragement and fishing, It's like who is this boy??? He changed completed, lol. I felt like Yuki's character development arc come to reach, just like last three episodes was focus on Yuki opening up to Haru & Natsuki, and same to Natsuki. Ayumi also got spotlight in this episode too, he such big bro. So now show beings open up to new arc chapter on fishing, Akira's development, and mysteries behind the DUCK organization, Coco & Haru, Bermuda Triangle...ok you get the point where this going at.

Despite from the trio having fun with fishing and Yuki coming out the shell, Akira begin to have character development and interacted with boys, from having deeply passion about fishing to being lonely that he don't have any friends, but wanted to make one. Remember back in episode 3 where Akira mention how he hates stifling relationship, my theories maybe right that Akira just jealous of the trio's relationship. Sadly when he tries to get closer to them, Natsuki was being rude towards him. like really what's Natsuki's problem with him???? He came of saying pretty mean stuff like "Why are you here" or "why are you so excited catching a fish?", can 25 years old can have enjoyment in his life? But most of all Natsuki really hint the nail when he said "You don't have any friends, do you?" even Akira stated at the end of the show "I don't need friends now." Don't worried Akira, what about your MIB guys and Tapioca???? or you only taking interesting in the
trio's relationship and their love for fishing? Well I guess Natsuki so agitated toward Akira is that he always around Natsuki's friends - stalker, and how he talks about Yuki, even though he really doesn't meant it.

Mysteriously Paranormal

What got me more interesting in this episode is the mysteriously side of it. First of Coco mentioned to Haru to be carefully of "He" in far out ocean...I come to believe it's the dragon or assume it's related to the Dragon’s Triangle the tip of it is kinda close to Enshinma, I mean on who live in the ocean???? that would put a threat on Haru and his friends? Acutally when I done some research the dragon is related to the Dragon’s Triangle same as of the Bermuda Triangle, BUT MUCH Worse and fucking scary.

I think today people only see ufo/uso in Dragon’s Triangle than dragon, but that only got from watching documentary on YouTube. Wait how does this related to saving the world? Am I not sure how the fish they needed is going to save the world. I only got in touch with Dragon’s Triangle & Utsuro Bune when someone posted a message about it on tumblr and DUCK organization mention Bermuda Triangle twice in Tsuritama. Could Yuki & Kate related to the Utsuro Bune? the woman inside said to have red hair and eyebrows and visit different part of Japna, just Kate & Yuki is always moving around or is Coco's ufo an uso or Utsuro Bune?

Other thing is about the preview of episode 5, the dark brown birds surround thing that's floating/standing in ocean ( sorry not sure what's it's called ), and toward the end of it there was big splash water near the boat? at night....I bet they are near the Dragon’s Triangle. I really thrill about this, I such big fans of history and paranormal, Tsuritama just got more awesome than ever!

Other things I discovered ~ There's more hints on Haru: He can not sleep or make throught the whole night without having his feet bowl of water, his room is nothing but chair than again I don't think that's important, Haru & Coco's plant is cool either they live in Dragon’s Triangle where the portal to their plants or I can say parallel universe is connected to earth, and if Earth is destroy their plant get destroy too. That's why they wanted to save the Earth badly.

As for the flowers can Haru telepathically communicates through the flowers to Kate? Haru won't come up with "Because you love fishing" by his self, and beside couple episodes back there was flower next to Kate's hospital bed.

If want some more information on the Alien and Dragon’s Triangle you can check Hachimistu's post, she explains lot better and free of grammar errors.

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